Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Bulletin Board/adhd/odd

Home | Mental Disorders | Lean on me !! | Blessings | The Special Mother | UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. | ADHD and Bipolar | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | Hyper | My A.D.H.D Child | Web sites - Adhd,Add,Odd,Autism,IEP,EI,L/D,504,Children Advocate,Special Ed | Alternative ADHD Treatments | Autism | Time, and time again | Learning Disability | About 2 Burst | Motivational Videos | You Tube/Adhd video's | Music Videos | Bullentin Board | Howie Mandel | Famous people, those who have adhd,odd,add, and those who exhibite signs | News/Entertainment | Don't Quit !!! | You've seen me before | A Rewarding Job | But Love | The ADHD Child's Bill of Rights | I really love this Child/ADD | Seeing me for who I am | I Am the Child | Contact Us | Related links



Children with Adhd(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Odd(Oppositional Defiant Disorder)

Bulletin Board

Children with Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and Oppositional Defiant disorder...

How are you coping with your child adhd or odd???
How is your child coping with medication??? How is your child or children behavior in school???
You are not alone, let’s united as one and help each other and help our children...This is the place, where you can talk and express your concerns....


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This website is dedicated to my son Scottie diagnoseed with ADHD and ODD, and to all families of children with special education needs.
"To new beginnings"


I wanted to take a moment, and inform everyone, that there were some ads, that were posting advertisements, that were unacceptable for this website.  Those ads has been removed.

I will not tolerate, this kind of advertisements in my  website, that I have created and worked so hard to help families and there children with special needs.  Shame on you!!


Website owner