ADD is a term used to describe a child or adolescent who has difficulty focusing and maintaining
attention in academic and/or social situations. Children are sometimes labeled ADD or ADHD if they are very energetic and
tend to be disruptive in the classroom or conversely if they are a very quiet child who sits at his/her desk staring out the
window or doodling. A child who is chronically disorganized, has difficulty remembering, consistently loses things or waits
until the last minute to complete homework or projects may also suffer from ADD. In any event, a consultation with an expert
is recommended to obtain a proper diagnosis so that the child can be supported and treated or to perhaps to rule out other
types of problems that may be causing these behaviors.Attention Deficit Disorder)
" I Really Love This Child "
I really love this child Despite his ADD Pardon,
what did you say? What's ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, Hyperactivity too, What do you mean That's nothing
to you? You see him kick and Hear him scream Run off and swear You look in amazement What do I care? Yes
it hurts when you say That he is just naughty Control him and tell him off What you may not see Is the side which
is loving Cuddly and scared He needs extra Loving and care You still look puzzled I'll explain a bit more It's
neurological A chemical imbalance Don't stand there amazed I know he looks normal And so he is too He just
needs to be loved and accepted Like a lot of us do Whatever he does There's no malicious intent We all have our
faults Not one of us is perfect So try to accept And find his true worth.
By Caroline Hensby
When I read this poems, LOVE is the key word....I tell my son everyday, how much
I love him...Love is a very powerful word and children need to hear it...
It makes them feel secure, and it shows them that they are loved no matter who they
are, and what disability they have....
I always tell my son, that just because he has ADHD, and ODD, that I love
him and that god created him, so that he can be in our life because god send us a very special angel.....:)
This website is dedicated to my son Scottie diagnoseed with ADHD
and ODD, and to all families of children with special education needs.
"To new beginnings"
I wanted to take a moment,
and inform everyone, that there were some ads, that were posting advertisements, that were unacceptable for this website.
Those ads has been removed.
I will not tolerate, this kind of advertisements in my website,
that I have created and worked so hard to help families and there children with special needs. Shame on you!!