Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
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Home | Mental Disorders | Lean on me !! | Blessings | The Special Mother | UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. | ADHD and Bipolar | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | Hyper | My A.D.H.D Child | Web sites - Adhd,Add,Odd,Autism,IEP,EI,L/D,504,Children Advocate,Special Ed | Alternative ADHD Treatments | Autism | Time, and time again | Learning Disability | About 2 Burst | Motivational Videos | You Tube/Adhd video's | Music Videos | Bullentin Board | Howie Mandel | Famous people, those who have adhd,odd,add, and those who exhibite signs | News/Entertainment | Don't Quit !!! | You've seen me before | A Rewarding Job | But Love | The ADHD Child's Bill of Rights | I really love this Child/ADD | Seeing me for who I am | I Am the Child | Contact Us | Related links
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
ADHD manifests as an unusually high and chronic level of inattention,
impulsive hyperactivity, or both. A person with ADHD may struggle with impairments in crucial areas of life, including relationships
with peers and family members, and performance at school or work. Increases in unintentional injuries and health care utilization
have been noted in some studies of people with ADHD.
As many as half of children with ADHD also have other behavior
disorders. Some studies have demonstrated increases in substance abuse, risk-taking, and criminal behaviors among adolescents
and adults who have ADHD and these other disorders.
The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic & Statistical
Manual-IV-TR estimates that 3%-7% of children suffer from ADHD, and some studies have estimated higher prevalence rates in
community samples. The cause(s) and risk factors contributing to ADHD are unknown, although it seems to be more prevalent
among boys than girls.
During the past decade, prescription for ADHD medications increased
dramatically across the United States, with consumption in many states more than quadrupling. Reasons for the increase, and
the more recent decline, in the use of methylphenidate-containing drugs are not clear.
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